Our Facilities and Learning Resources

Outwood Academy Danum Post 16 boasts some excellent facilities that our sixth form students enjoy including a purpose built Sixth Form Centre, enabling students to get the best out of their studies and the most enjoyment from school.

Academic Study Areas
Facilities include a dedicated and purpose-built sixth form centre which includes a common work area for you to study, all with laptops/computers for you to access throughout the day. Sixth form students also make use of main school facilities i.e. subject-specific facilities, science laboratories, engineering suites and an art studio. A variety of specific sixth form study areas support students’ academic excellence during the day. The sixth form uses the school library facilities independently throughout the day for study and to obtain assistance with their academic work. The librarians work with students in class groups, and on an individual basis, to direct them towards the most appropriate resources for their individual academic and personal needs.